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Red Teams Make Organizations Threat-Free by Securing Your Infrastructure & Networks

Gone are the days when traditional defense mechanisms were sufficient and had the potential to fight against cybersecurity threats and make all-sized organizations grow and thrive. However, nowadays, protecting your infrastructure and networks needs expert testing techniques, tools, and strategies, and red team operations to take proactive measures to build a strong security posture. 

This is where the red teams protect your digital assets and sensitive information and enhance your security. The red team's professional help in: 

  • Identify and mitigate vulnerabilities
  • Securing Infrastructure
  • Preventing malicious attacks
  • Comprehensive Security Assessment
  • Realistic Threat Simulation
  •  Security Awareness and Training
  •  Incident Response Improvement

If you have yet to hear of Red Teams' services and need clarification about who they are, the necessity of hiring them, and their role, this blog will greatly help. We will discuss how these experts secure your business systems and devices, the benefits of hiring them, and the steps they take to enhance your security.

Steps Involved in Red Team Operations and Cyber Security Tests

 Step 1: Planning and Scoping: Defining objectives, rules of engagement, and scope of the assessment in detail)

 Step 2: Reconnaissance: Emulation of the threat actor's information-gathering process to understand an organization's infrastructure, systems, and potential attack surfaces.

 Step 3: Initial Access: Exploiting known vulnerabilities to gain initial access to the target environment.

 Step 4: Lateral Movement: Simulating an attacker's navigation within the target environment by moving laterally within the network. 

Step 5: Privilege Escalation: Increased access and control by escalating their privileges and replicating an attacker's efforts. 

Step 6: Data Exfiltration: This phase involves demonstrating the potential impact of a successful attack.

Step 7: Reporting and Remediation:  This stage includes generating a comprehensive report that provides their findings, vulnerabilities, and recommended remediation steps. 

Step 8: Continuous Improvement: The results continuously enhance security measures. The evaluations are carried out and reports are generated to determine the effectiveness of the operations.

Types of Red Team Operations

The red team operations are carried out in several variations, each designed with a specific focus and objectives. 

External Red Team:  The term external itself defines that this red teaming operation is performed to imitate external threat actors' actions and analyze how strong your external security posture is to deal with external cyber threats. 


Internal Red Team:  This involves the techniques to detect insider threats. The red teams responsible for evaluating internal security measures always have privileged access to assess internal security controls. They identify weaknesses by targeting critical internal systems, databases, and networks. 


Hybrid Red Team:  The mixed red teams are committed to simulating more realistic cyber threat scenarios. The experts operate internally and externally with an adaptive approach to address different security aspects. 

What are the Objectives of Red Team Operations?  

Not all organizations have the capability to respond to the incidents. If you need to gain experience managing security and have the necessary tools, hiring professional red teaming companies is the best decision you can make to see the difference without causing any stress. 

The red teams are trained to prepare every small to large organization to respond to security incidents. It can affect your organization's security, such as threats from malicious attackers, software weaknesses, configuration errors, and process gaps.  The experts never rely on guesses; they take the guesswork out with consistent vulnerability assessment approaches and realistic threat simulation. 

To Sum Up 

Withstanding the relentless changes of the present era is challenging for organizations. Therefore, to make the infrastructure securing process seamless, looking for the services of a reliable and experienced platform specialized in delivering the best red team operations is essential. With specialized expertise in offensive cybersecurity, the professional builds resilience against malicious attacks.  In cybersecurity, threats are constantly evolving, making it imperative to assess real-world cyber threats for the security of your assets. 

Rely on Expertise Tekkis's Red Teams

Red team exercises by Tekkis shed light on confirmation bias, uncovering instances where overconfidence in security systems may lead to incorrect assumptions about their resilience against genuine threats. The successful simulated attacks conducted by the red teams serve as an eye-opener for companies to identify and rectify security vulnerabilities before real threats exploit them. At Tekkis, teams employ social engineering methods to discreetly acquire user credentials or access network services.

Why Choose Tekkis for Cyber Security Tests in the USA? 

  • Coping with everyday cyber security breaches and targeting malicious attackers takes work for any organization. Tekkis offers an effective remediation through penetration testing to detect and cure security problems. 
  • From planning to reporting, various phases and steps of penetration testing are followed by our experts to inspect the shortcomings in your networks, apps, and systems. 
  • All your IT segments, applications, web administrators, etc., are scanned using the latest penetrating tools to quickly elevate the dangers and attacks likely to be caused by attackers.

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